These files are the most current RPMs associated with the High Availability Server product. The RPMs of greatest interest are the piranha*.rpm and ipvsadm*.rpm files. These are all you need to upgrade an existing HA Server system, or to update an existing Linux 6.2 system already using piranha, to the most current level. UPGRADING High Availability Server systems Once the ipvsadm and piranha RPMs have been copied to your system, shut down piranha and perform an "rpm -Fvh piranha*.rpm" command as user "root". This should update the system and you can then restart piranaha. UPGRADING Linux 6.2 to HA SERVER 1.0 Detailed information for this can be found on the HA Server project website Basically, the minimum you need to do is get these piranha and ipvsadm RPMs installed by meeting their dependancies, which in turn can be satisified by applying all the errata on the main Red Hat web site. The kernel RPMs are for those people that want to completely upgrade a Linux 6.2 system to match the kernel shipped in the HA product. The ha-installer archive is for people that understand the Red Hat installer, and contains the source code to the installer used on the HA Server product. It is not needed for any of the upgrading. The file within the archive contains the post-install logic used to lock down the system.